10 Reasons Why people use the Internet (continued)
6th Reason. To improve skills or to gain the new ones.
Many of people don’t want to attend different boring courses, so they tend to search in The Internet. Very often it is possible to find out necessary exercises for skills or knowledge improvement. It makes us not to spend much money on attending trainings, and we have to pay only for the Internet, which gives us the access to the most powerful database in the world.
7th Reason. To share emotions with others.
Some people like to express their emotions in relation to the different situations. Sometimes we need to share our opinions on some topics, which are so important exactly in this moment of our life: it could be birthday or graduating from school.
8th Reason. To get evaluation of a work or him or herself.
Such situation may arise, when you are, for example, a beginning copywriter, and for you it is very and very important to be evaluated. Some people can point at your mistakes, and where else you can find such big amount of experts in a given area? So, it is the best place.
9th Reason. To know what is going on in the world.
Internet is the only place, where you can find any information about any events, which took, are taking or will take in the world. Even if they just happened, be sure that they are already in the Internet. Due to Internet where never you will be it is always possible to receive news, and to be on the one wave with other people.
10th Reason. Because these people are the owners or the inventors of the websites, browsers etc.
The last and the most obvious reason about using the Internet. People use it because they like using it, and because it is simply their work. They are creators, designers, web pages’ owners, administrators, operators etc. They are those due to which we can search in Google or check our mail from our to our, from day to day.